Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A place to grow roots?

We are in the middle of a big transition. We are about a month away from moving to a rural area. We have a house to move into which is in the town we will call "home" for a while.....until we can find a farm we want to make our home. My Dad made a great discovery last week and we went to look at it this past weekend. It's perfect for us! It has an older house that is livable for several years until we can build a new one. It has a couple of barns, a machine shed, a chicken house, a brooder house, grapevines and an orchard! The orchard has 4 peach trees, 3 apple trees and 2 pear trees. The apples and pears were abundant and literally making the branches sag from the weight! The grapevines still had huge bunches of grapes hanging even though the owner had already picked 15 gallons. As we were standing in the orchard, I looked at Jason and quietly said "I want it!"

Jason and Dad took a ride around the pastures to check them out and I stayed up near the house. I walked around and imagined living there. It wasn't hard to do. I could see my chickens wandering around the yard. I could see Leah outside playing with her animals (currently on her list is a horse, some ducks and some sheep). I made a mental list of what I would do with all the fruit we would harvest. Let's see.....grape jelly, maybe try my hand at some homemade wine, peach pies, peach preserves, apple butter, applesauce, pear butter and lots and lots of fresh fruit eaten straight off the tree! I can see Leah now standing under the trees eating a peach....warm juice running down her chin! Yeah....I'd say I'm sold. I can already feel my roots growing and we haven't even bought it! The scary part is that it is being sold on auction and you never know how that will work out. I am praying that it is meant to be ours. We'll find out October 18 and if we get it then we'll have the other house to sell. I don't want to wish my life away but I'm ready to be past this transition phase. I'm ready for some roots!!


It's me said...

Congratulations... it sounds wonderful.

Stephanie said...

You have roots...very deep ones! But I get what you mean. It's unsettling to be unsettled! I'm praying for you guys. The kidlets and I will join Leah under the peach trees :) We'll leave the pies up to you!

Carmen Buller said...

Will you share the pies, jams and jellies? The place sounds perfect for your family and a great place for your extended family to get out of the city and come visit! Where is it located? Near your mom and dad's?

Claremont First Ward said...

I hope you do. It sounds wonderfully perfect. I've always thought it would be wonderful to live in a rural area and learn to be self sufficient.

LazyCrazyMama said...

Oh that really sounds awesome!! Those kind of transitions can be challenging and difficult, but sometimes it is totally worth it! Things eventually settle down and get back to a good place.

Merrie said...

Oh I hope it works out for you! That place sounds amazing -- I'll say a prayer for you.

Great blog!