Monday, July 21, 2008

Animal anatomy, wiener roast and turtles

A recap of our weekend at the farm. Friday morning the vet came to work the calves. This was Leah's first experience with this and as usual she was very interested and very attentive. She asked lots of questions and we gave her honest answers. When Mom came home from work that afternoon, she asked Leah what she had done all day. Leah answered, "I picked flowers....and the vet came and gave the calves shots and put medicine in their eyes and cut out their testicles." Well asked!

We had a wiener roast Friday night. It was a beautiful evening and was fun to sit outside on the picnic table and watch Leah roast marshmallows. I lost count of how many she actually ate versus the ones that oozed off the stick before she made it back to the table! She had so much fun and wanted to "fry" hot dogs again the next night.

Leah found this box turtle in the yard. We kept him contained for a little while...long enough for Daddy and Papa to come in from the hayfield to see her treasure. She was reluctant to let him go but we finally convinced her it was best. It was reminiscent of my childhood days when an exciting day consisted of my brother, sister and I finding a box turtle and keeping it as our pet for a day or two. That's what I love about the farm....innocence.


Stephanie said...

How dare you castrate your calves! I'm sure that was an experience for Leah. I don't have so many memories of that as I do of the pigs.

The box turtle does bring back memories....

Carmen Buller said...

I think Leah is going to become a vet someday!!! I wish I had students so interested in animals as she is or attentive as she is!

GoteeMan said...

Happened upon your blog from comments on others...

It is Soooo much fun when the kids are young, exploring so many things and sharing their own unique perspective...

I laughed out loud when reading her comment about cutting out the calves' testicles, as if it were just part of any ordinary day, and lauged even harder when you led right into the weenie roast... it's so much fun to see their reactions - priceless, and all for the cost of a pack of hot dogs - that was poetic... as often is life!

We have a plethora of box turtles here in Tennessee, as well... and we pick them up and play with them with the kids a bit before placing them back in the tall grass... I did make the mistake once, however, of trying to remove a large alligator snapping turtle from the road... won't be doing that again... long neck + sharp snapper + ticked off turtle = just about got my finger bitten off...
